I ride by the Green-Wood cemetery nearly every other day on my way to teach. Recently the spring aroma has been so incredibly seductive though i never could spare the time to go in, until today. Apparently Green-wood was founded in 1838 as one of America’s first rural cemeteries and by 1860 Green-Wood was attracting tourist as huge in numbers to rival Niagara Falls. I appreciate that a cemetery of dead people was as popular as Niagara Falls, did people go here for their honeymoon like Niagara falls? Green-Wood is 478 acres and has a huge collections of 19th- and 20th-century statuary. Its so weird to feel such spiritual rejuvenation by being in a cemetery full of dead people but that's how i felt today. It reminds me of playing around the abandoned cemetery around my grandmothers house. The statues here were incredible, little angels and cherubs, and jesus, the angels out numbered jesus by a lot. I noticed on the tombstones, by a striking number, that women outlive men! i know that has always been said but i saw the stats with my very own eyes. Lots of them were by 20 years and this was in the 1800 and early 1900's. Women are built to last! My favorite were the weeping willow trees, they really look like they are weeping over these graves and like they are comforting the souls by hovering so close to the ground. When i die plant weeping willows around my grave. I spent a total of 4 and 1/2 hours there today wondering amongst such beauty and feeling gentle, peaceful comfort in this ancient burial ground.