Friday, May 1, 2009

OUr last show in Belize

Our last show in Belize got the gold medal. These kids were exubrant, full of joy, and oh my god and so cute. The littliest ones were just big enough to sit in the pews and and still see what was happening on the stage. All i could see of them was the tops of their heads. The kids instantly started clapping, they did the cajun howl perfectly in time throughout the entire Fort Washington 2-step and at the end the stormed the stage. It started with 2 little girls, they ran up holding hands and just stood in front of us, giggling, then 2 more came and 2 more and then more and more and they all started dancing around and giggling. My face hurt from smiling and laughing so hard. It was a beautiful thing.

This is the school that Sean and I walked by on our first day in belize. We talked to the folks sitting in front of the school and before we knew it they took us into the principals office and just like that we were able to play for the 500 kids of Wesley School.

This was a sad day in the end. First off is that Shana had to go back to NYC she had been with us for the whole tour thus far. She's such a lovely spirit to have around and really helped us figure out how to be on this tour. It still feels like someone is missing at dinner.

Then the next sad thing was that we had to leave Belize. I really love this country. The warmth of the people here is infectious. Ahhh, i miss it.

Here's the Wesley School singing their school anthem. The Wesley School is the oldest school in Belize City.

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