We started today with Miss Nicaraguan beauty queen, for real! She was our interviewer on Television. She was indeed beautiful and i caught sean in a gaze for her. We played in a janky retro style TV room where the commercials for margarine were done actually by the host as they pointed to a poster that displayed the lovely margarine product. Pretty funny.
Then we were off to a school in the rural area outside of Managua. This school is very special. It was started by Rev. Rafael Maria Fabretto, a priest from Italy. He started this school for the poverty stricken rural children of Nicaragua. His program is based on the
SAT, or Rural Tutorial Learning System. This is a program that not only gives the student a formal education of the basics of math, science ect but also teaches sustainable agriculture and community building along with character development. They have full school days instead of half like the public schools in Nicaragua, their teachers are more in the mentor position instead of lecture. It's really amazing alternative education for free to these children. Some of the children come from gangs in Managua, some come from landfills where they live, over 2,000 live and work on this giant dump, around 1,000 are children, reminds me of the gypsy communities in Romania.
So this is who we played for today. We did our silent movie-ish Hambone routine, worked pretty good, have some kinks to work out for the next one. It's really fun to do and is such a nice break from the just playing music. I want to come back and work here for a stint of time. They are doing such amazing work.
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