It is really hard to believe that this is only our first day. It seems more appropriate to say first week with all that has happened today. We started the day with workshops at the only university in Nicaragua to have a music program, Polytechnic. There were young kids, college students and adults that came bearing violins, guitars and their voices. We performed in a small room part of a very simple and plain building. folks spilling out and listening from outside. There was such a feeling of appreciation in the room. Everyone listening so attentively. We split up into groups and taught the crawdad song, i got to teach hambone for the first time. They were fantastic. This appreciation and attentiveness is not always present when teaching american kids and adults. I remember when lumii's went to vermont and taught in the middle school. I looked out and saw the scowl of cross armed teenagers. When i teach as well, there is a lot of struggle with getting the kids to "want to play the violin", and i guess they can say that because they are previlaged white kids. Kids down here don't have previliges. This is the 2nd poorest country in the western hemisphere. It's right after Haiti, if that gives you any perspective.
Then we had some press photos, and hurried off to a traditional Nicarguian lunch. They like fried cheese and plantains and pork oh my!!! Cabbage salad is about the only green vegetables you can get easily. We got all the direction not to drink the water, not to brush the teeth with the water and for God's sake don't have any liquid with ice cubes. We have done all of them and as of yet no sickness. Seems to be OK. It's nice because it's a little problematic brushing teeth with a bottle of water.
Next we traveled to Masaya. Masaya is the cultural capital of Nicaragua. They are known for amazing poetry, the most famous being Ruben Dario. There is a beautiful Artisian market there where we played. Over 300 people came to listen to us. They loved our show they gave us a standing ovation and the mayor of the town gave the most poetic speach i have ever heard come out of a politians mouth. I was totally melted, he was a charmingly over the top kind of speaker. He said " I arrived late to the show and missed half of it and i feel now like i have missed half of my life" We are "the paradise of life". We "represent Peace, Hope and Love". We are like 'from god in some way and who can argue against god". there was more and more, the sentiment was beautiful i thought. We got in the car to leave and michelle and jose were filling us in about a few more details about this mayor. He is part of the Sandinista party, this past election he totally rigged to his favor. My bubble was burst at this point, i was into this guy thought he was a truly inspiring poet for a politican, but really he's just a politician that riggs elections and has power issues. I am having a cultural experience right now!
No back to the hotel, i now have AC in my room, that's exciting, i will sleep well tonight!
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