Saturday, April 18, 2009


We arrived last night in Managua. We were greeted by such lovely folks from the embassy Jose and Carlos. It's HOT here. This is actually the hottest month of the entire year. My body is trying to figure out what to do. It's spent so many months trying to get warmer and now it's a little overwhelmed.
Last night was a lovely way to enter into the city. I was hungry and not ready for bed and sean too, so Jose took us out to get tacos. It was a Friday night around 11:30 pm. There was a party goin on. We found a place for tacos, we walked in and there was a 3 piece band playing. Of the international instrument was playing...the Casio-tone keyboard, bongos and a singer. This man singing was phenomenal. He was dancing like an excited Bob Leive but with salsa moves. He shook his hips, jumped up and down and sang like he was in heaven. Wow!! and all this in the middle of a resturant for people who hardly glance an eye his way. Wierd, huh? But it's a gig isn't it. Musicians have to play.
Feel asleep in the hotel with the windows open to the courtyard and the street. There was a lot of rustling around, i think there is a lot of nature out there that i am going to find today. The air is thick and balmy the smells are of things that are green and blooming. The birds are loud, they make sounds I haven't heard before. A salamander was climbing up my wall last night!

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