Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It was a day of flying through trees over coffee plantations. There was a moment of standing on the edge of a platform in an enormous tree and the guys pushed me off and says "now let go with your hands". my body's instinct was...i should hold on, NOT let go there's a long way to the ground! But I let go and gave in to the adrenaline and man it felt good. I feel like that should happen once a week.

We stopped off in catalina for lunch and to have a look at laguna de Apoyo. This Marimba band was playing and this family dancing stole my heart away, such pure joy they have on their faces.

Today was our rest day, tomorrow we are back to full schedule. We start in the morning at an orphanage, continuing to work out some kinks in our workshop, by the end of tour we are going to rock some hambone workshops!

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